Chie Yoshii

Chie Yoshii's oil paintings explore timeless psychological themes with a contrasting mix of techniques and styles.

On the one hand, the brushstrokes and the luminosity of her panels are reminiscent of traditional Flemish paintings, in which the details, the quality of shading, and the softness of each character’s complexion are presented in a masterly manner. On the other hand, the subtle symbolism and compelling presence of the figures bring an unexpected air of accessible modernity.

Much of her work is inspired by the relationship between human psychology and mythical archetypes. The enduring themes are woven into surrealities filled with symbols and visual narratives. The enigmatic images embody contradicting elements such as novelty and nostalgia, innocence and sensuality, and strength and fragility, mirroring the complexity of our psyche.

Please call or email the gallery for prices and availability.

Chie Yoshii
oil on panel
22 ½ x 17 ¾"
57.15 x 45.1 cm.
Prints & Editions  
Chie Yoshii
achival pigment print
22 x 17"
55.88 x 43.18 cm.
Chie Yoshii
The Choice
achival pigment print
22 x 17"
55.88 x 43.18 cm.

William Baczek Fine Arts    36 Main St.    Northampton MA    (413) 587-9880